The following sites include complete collections of my publications and presentations, including citation metrics and alt-metrics:
The sections below organize research deliverables by general topic, with topics organized roughly chronologically, and includes links to full text and slides (when applicable).
Open science
- Panel discussion: Developing collaborative governance for open science through public participation and inclusive knowledge. JSPG, UNESCO & MGCY webinar for special issue “Open Science Policies as an Accelerator for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals”, 2022. video recording
- Open Science in Conversation: Follow the Money - Funding Open, Diverse, Inclusive and Equitable Science Event. The Neuro’s Tanenbaum Open Science Institute series, 2022.
- Fireside Chat: Shared Concerns in Open Research Communities. The Turing Way, 2022. video recording
Training for data-intensive research
- Kate Hertweck, 2021. Making the jump from learning to applying: R training and documentation for different levels of expertise. rstudio::global, online. video recording with Q&A, slides and resources
- Kate Hertweck and Carly Strasser, 2020. From novice to expert: Supporting all levels of computational expertise in reproducible research methods. In Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 407–413. DOI, PDF of paper, slides
Computational communities of practice
- Kate Hertweck, 2020. If you build it, they will come: But then what? Facilitating computational communities of practice in R. rstudio::conf, San Francisco, CA. slides, video recording
- Panel discussion: Growing Inclusive, Computational Communities and Leaders. CarpentryCon @ Home 2020: Fireside Chat 1. video recording
- Kate Hertweck, 2020. Best practices in online teaching: Teaching Carpentries-style virtually. Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) Workshop on Education in Bioinformatics (WEB), International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB). video recording
- Kate Hertweck, 2019. R we there yet? Building commmunities of practice around R and topics in biology. Cascadia R Conference, Bellevue, WA. slides
- Kate Hertweck, 2019. Presentation on community development at Partly Cloudy, a conference discussing the challenges of building and supporting hybrid cloud/on-premise compute powering scientific research. Seattle, WA. video recording